Prices for dermatology services
Dermatologist services
Application of medicinal or diagnostic substances
12.00 €
Urological or gynecological examination (including the price of a disposable mirror)
18.00 €
Izmeklēšana Wood’ a gaismā
12.00 €
Cryodestruction (for one formation) depending on location and size
15.00-80.00 €
Elektrokoagulācija (vienam veidojumam, bez anestēzijas cenas) atkarībā no lokalizācijas un izmēra
20.00-60.00 €
Ādas un nagu nokasījumu, uztriepju noņemš., analīzes noņemšana citoloģiskai izmeklēšanai (neieskaitot analīžu cenu)
15.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests (bloks sastāv no 30 kontaktalergēniem)
65.00 €
Optiskā dermatoskopija (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo optisko dermatoskopiju
12.00 €
Digitālā dermatoskopiju (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo digitālo dermatoskopiju
11.00 €
Kondilomu likvidācija ar CO2 lāzeru (1 rajons)
50.00-200.00 €
Hemangiomas likvidācija ar ND:Yag lāzeri (1 impulss)
45.00-260.00 €
Removal of blood tests (price includes vacuum cleaners, processing, storage of test report data)
8.00 €
Kenaloga injekcija rētu likvidēšanai (2 un vairāk injekcijas)
39.00-50.00 €
Asinsvadu jaunveidojumu likvidācija ar Diodes lāzeru (1 seanss)
50.00-250.00 €
Sistēma i/v dienas stacionārā
27.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests uz kosmētiku (bloks sastāv no 31-56 kontaktalergēniem)
75.00 €
Rokas naga apstrāde mikotiskās infekcijas gadījumā
15.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
75.00-350.00 €
Kārpas apstrāde ar lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Seanss aknes un citu iekaisīgu ādas saslimšanu terapijai ar ACNE CLEAR XL Alma
85.00 €
Pigmentu un asinsvadu veidojumu apstrāde ar ELOS SRA (1 seanss)
70.00-250.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar krāsvielu lāzeru uz sejas
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar krāsvielu Lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Sejas dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Acne izsitumu ārstēšana ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Dermatoloģiska izmeklēšana uz STS slimībām
7.00-45.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija, pēciekaisuma pigmentācija) ar GentleLase lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Cryodestruction for each subsequent formation
4.00 €
Par katru nākamo rokas naga apstrādi mikotiskās infekcijas
6.00 €
Par katru nākamo ārstniecisko vai diagnostisko vielu aplikācija
4.00 €
Kenalog injection to remove scars (1 injection)
35.00 €
Mapping multiple skin formations with FotoFinder for the whole body
75.00 €
Digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
20.00 €
27.00 €
50.00 €
For each subsequent digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
10.00 €
Injekcija ar kenalogu
20.00-50.00 €
17.00-25.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar KTP un ND:YAG (Derma V) lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Gaismas terapija ar Celluma iekārtu (pretnovecošanās, aknes ārstēšana, matu augšanas stimulācija, brūču dzīšana)
30.00-150.00 €
Sejas fotorejuvenācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
150.00-300.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru uz sejas, tajā skaitā, deguna
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa (dekoltē) dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (poikoloderma, melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Onihomikozes ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss), cena atkarīga no nagu skaita
35.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu (hemangiomu)likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Aknes un rozācijas izsitumu ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Ādas virspusēja atjaunošana ar Fotona Er:YAG lāzeri smooth režīmā
150.00-300.00 €
Fotodinamiskā terapija (bez medikamenta cenas)
100.00-200.00 €
SmartPico lāzers tetovējumu, pigmentu noņemšanai un matiņu likvidācijai atkarībā no krāsas, lokalizācijas, tetovējuma, pigmenta izcelsmes
70.00-500.00 €
Karbona lāzera pīlings ar Smart Pico lāzeru
140.00 €
Kosmetologa pakalpojumu cenas
Mask for acne patients
24.00 €
Therapeutic mask after laser procedure
23.00 €
Acid Facial Cleansing
55.00-70.00 €
Chemical peeling
50.00 €
Ultrasonic cleansing and mask
45.00-55.00 €
Ultrasonic cleansing and filling with US (elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid, vitamins)
60.00-70.00 €
Hydroderma, deep moisturizing with galvanic currents
51.00-60.00 €
Hydrodermic lifting
55.00 €
Hydroderma and hydrodermal lifting
66.00 €
OXY peeling procedure
58.00 €
Cosmetic treatment with placenta, placenta film
52.00 €
Dermabrasion and Mask
45.00-60.00 €
Dermabrasion and US devices, electroplating, filling with elastin, collagen, vitamins, hyaluronic acid
55.00-65.00 €
Facial cleansing
50.00-70.00 €
Dermabrasion of the back with a mask
60.00-70.00 €
Mechanical cleansing of the back with a mask
60.00-80.00 €
Warm/warm waxing: legs up to the knee
20.00 €
Warm/warm waxing: full-length legs
30.00 €
Depilation with warm/warm wax: bikini line
25.00 €
Depilation with warm/warm wax: entire bikini
30.00 €
Depilation with warm/warm wax: underarm
15.00-20.00 €
Depilation with warm/warm wax: upper lip
10.00 €
Depilation with warm/hot wax: forearm
15.00 €
Depilation with warm/warm wax: the whole arm
20.00 €
Beauty care
Eyelash/brow tinting, correction
10.00 €
Facial treatments with Biodroga cosmetics
Facial peeling
45.00 €
Exfoliation, massage and collagen matrix
51.00 €
Facial exfoliation, massage, collagen matrix and algae
55.00 €
Facial treatments with Guinot cosmetics
Hydrodermatique for the face
53.00 €
Hydrodermal Facial Lifting
59.00 €
Facial peeling
45.00 €
Hydrodermal Facial Lifting and Algae Mask
68.00 €
Facial treatments with Dermastir cosmetics
Facial treatments with Dermastir cosmetics
50.00-70.00 €
Dermastir Mask after Laser Treatments
21.00 €
Microdermabrasion and hydrodermatology
94.00 €
Mesoeclat Anti-Aging Procedure
80.00-100.00 €
Meso-aesthetic Cosmelan procedure
275.00-300.00 €
Scalp mesotherapy against hair loss with BIOTIN and NCTC 109
80.00-100.00 €
Salicylic peeling meso-aesthetic treatment for combination and problem skin with soothing mask
50.00-70.00 €
Meso-aesthetic modified Jessner peeling for radiant and smooth skin with soothing mask
50.00-70.00 €
Meso-aesthetic milk peeling treatment for sensitive, couperose and dry skin with anti-aging effect, including soothing mask after the treatment
55.00-75.00 €
Packaged treatment with Acnelan for acne- and seborrheic skin
75.00-100.00 €
Energy C - facial treatment against the first signs of aging
60.00-80.00 €
Collagen 360 - facial for firming and improving skin elasticity
85.00 €
Stem cells - facial for protection, stimulation and cell regeneration
85.00 €
Radiance DNA - facial treatment for skin renewal, firmness, elasticity and intensive moisturizing
85.00 €
DermaOxy Facial
60.00-70.00 €
Global EyeCon intensive rejuvenating eye area treatment
30.00-60.00 €
PRX procedure (with medical indications)
70.00-130.00 €
PRX procedure
70.00-130.00 €
Meso-aesthetic correction procedure for age-related elements
60.00-100.00 €
Laser photo rejuvenation in cosmetology (20 min)
50.00 €
Mesotherapy for acne prevention
60.00-80.00 €
Mesotherapy for acne, eczema, psoriasis, hair loss
125.00 €
Mesotherapy manipulations
60.00-140.00 €
Mesotherapy in rehabilitation after chemical and laser peels
70.00 €
Mesotherapy for the face, for couperose skin, strengthening the capillary walls
70.00 €
Mesotherapy for rehabilitation after plastic surgeries
90.00 €
Mesotherapy to improve lymphatic circulation
80.00-140.00 €
60.00-140.00 €
Mesophene Hair Strengthening Treatment
100.00-140.00 €
Meso-aesthetic procedure
60.00-110.00 €
First consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
69.00 €
Second consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
59.00 €
Primary consultation of a dermatologist
59.00 €
Repeated consultation of a dermatologist
49.00 €
Consultation of a dermatologist in the event of manipulations
25.00 €
Initial consultation with a preventive medicine specialist, choice of the most suitable test, DNA sample, shipment to the lab
350.00 €
Preventīvās medicīnas speciālista atkārtotā konsultācija
290.00 €
Council of doctors (at least two and more doctors)
80.00-150.00 €
First consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
69.00 €
Second consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
59.00 €
Preoperative preparation of the patient
17.00 €
Extended consultation of a dermatologist (1h)
105.00 €
Primary consultation with dermatologist J. Janovska
75.00 €
Dermatologist consultation and diagnosis of neoplasms with an optical dermatoscope
79.00 €
Patient preparation for invasive/non-invasive procedures
18.00 €
Gynecology department’s services prices
Prices for manipulations and operations in Gynecology Department
Additional cost for a punch biopsy
55.00 €
Prices of surgical department services
First consultation of an angiosurgeon or surgeon-phlebologist
47.00 €
Repeated consultation of an angiosurgeon or surgeon-phlebologist, within one episode of illness
37.00 €
Consultation with duplex sonography of an angiosurgeon, phlebologist, surgeon specializing in phlebology
57.00 €
Duplex ultrasonography control in the first postoperative month or for DVT 4 x a year (in case of deep vein thrombosis)
29.00 €
The surgeon's first consultation
47.00 €
Re-consultation of the surgeon
37.00 €
Surgeon's or phlebologist's report. consultant at manip. (e.g. bandages, stitches, blockades, etc.) - no limit.
25.00 €
Anesthesiologist consultation
45.00 €
Consultation with duplex sonography by a highly qualified vascular surgeon, phlebologist (head of department, methodical manager, MD, assistant professor, etc.)
71.00 €
Nursing consultation on post and pre-operative care
40.00 €
Consultation of a medical nurse during manipulations
25.00 €
Seam removal
14.00 €
Dressing (including the cost of dressing materials) up to 5 cm
15.00 €
Sclerotherapy in foam liquid technique (first ampoule)
75.00 €
Nail removal or nail root narrowing
50.00 €
Incision of abscesses
24.00 €
Dressing (including the cost of dressing materials) for a wound over 5 cm
19.00 €
Dressing after vein operations
29.00 €
For each subsequent ampoule in the sclerotherapy foam technique
45.00 €
Foam sclerotherapy during surgery under sonographic control
110.00-170.00 €
Dressing after surgery (without dressing material)
15.00-30.00 €
Endovenous laser surgery (EVLT) with 1470 nm laser for VSM, VSP or VSM and VSP for one leg
550.00 €
Segmental phlebectomy according to the Varady method (The price is determined according to the objective criteria listed in Appendix No. 1)
180.00-350.00 €
Surcharge for endovasal accessory branch closure
100.00 €
Supplement in case of complicated varicose veins (varicophlebitis, trophic ulcers, post-thrombotic syndrome, bleeding, recurrence)
100.00-230.00 €
Abdominal wall hernia surgery
420.00 €
Surcharge for abdominal wall plasty. retinal hernia surgery
60.00-110.00 €
Excision of coccygeal epithelial passages
360.00 €
Endovenous laser surgery (EVLT) with 1470 nm laser for VSM, VSP or VSM and VSP for both legs
699.00 €
VSM, VSP or VSM and VSP surgery with biological glue for one leg
2220.00 €
VSM, VSP or VSM and VSP surgery with biological glue for both legs
2590.00 €
Surcharge for the use of an electrosurgical device during operations
170.00 €
Preoperative preparation of the patient
33.00 €
Local anesthesia
27.00 €
Tumescens anesthesia (for endovenous laser surgery, for varady, etc.) i/v analgesics for one leg
65.00 €
Tumescens anesthesia (for endovenous laser surgery, etc.) i/v analgesics for both legs
110.00 €
Spinal anesthesia up to 2 hours
200.00 €
General anesthesia up to 2 hours
210.00 €
For each subsequent hour of anesthesia
57.00 €
Short-term i/v anesthesia (up to 20 min)
99.00 €
Anesthesia with laughing gas for children up to 6 years of age (up to 15 min) in the presence of an anesthesiologist
57.00 €
Anesthesia with laughing gas for adults (up to 15 min)
55.00-80.00 €
Par katru nākamo anestēzijas stundu pie plastiskās ķirurģijas operācijām
135.00 €
Short-term i/v anesthesia (over 20 min)
150.00 €
Stationary use
Bed day in a single ward with a sanitary unit (with meals)
150.00 €
Temporary use of a day hospital
55.00 €
Bed day after operations in a single standard ward (no meals)
140.00 €
Short-term day hospital use after proctological operations
59.00 €
Bed day in a double ward with a sanitary unit (with meals)
85.00 €
Short-term day hospital use after vein operations
79.00 €
Temporary use of a day hospital in a double ward
40.00 €
Short-term day hospital use after bioglue surgery
79.00 €
Short-term day inpatient use for microsurgical operations on the hand
19.00 €
Short-term i/v sedation up to 20 min
59.00 €
Temporary use of a day hospital after plastic surgery
110.00 €
Prices of proctology services
Transanal polypectomy
330.00 €
Anal fissure excision or sphincterotomy
390.00 €
Operation of internal hemorrhoids with a mechanical suture (Longo op.)
475.00 €
Surgery of internal and external hemorrhoids
490.00 €
Premium for the use of a mechanical suturer in hemorrhoid operations
430.00 €
Repeated consultation of a proctologist
39.00 €
Premium for complications in proctological operations
150.00-300.00 €
Excision of rectal fistula
570.00 €
Hemorrhoid laser surgery
710.00 €
RAFAELO hemorrhoids radiofrequency procedure
680.00 €
Prices for surgeon-mammologist services
Thoracic excision of the breast (local anesthesia) in the operating room
430.00 €
Sending samples to a laboratory abroad (Baltic countries)
15.00 €
Prices for services of the ultrasonography department
Screening of veins in both legs
15.00 €
Prices for services of the obligatory medical examination
Medical examination and report
48.00 €
Clinical blood test
2.10 €
Prices of rheumatologist services
First consultation of a rheumatologist
65.00 €
Re-consultation of a rheumatologist
55.00 €
Foot center service prices
First consultation with a technical orthopedist
45.00 €
Consultation and Podometric examination by a Podiatrist, orthopedic surgeon for children up to 18 years of age
35.00 €
Refresher consultation with the orthopedic orthopedic surgeon
42.00 €
Podiatrist consultation
30.00 €
Visit to the orthopedic surgeon for the fitting/correction of the orthopedic insoles
15.00-25.00 €
Consultation with a technical orthopedic surgeon for children (without sub-metrics)
24.00 €
Consultation with a podiatrist at home
65.00-80.00 €
Prices for laser treatment of fungal infections
Laser treatment of fungal infections of both toenails
135.00-145.00 €
Laser treatment of one toenail with fungal infection
20.00-35.00 €
Laser nail treatment for fungal infection
25.00-35.00 €
Prices for foot care services
Medical pedicure
43.00-50.00 €
Natural nail polishing
12.00 €
Reconstruction of one nail by healing gel
10.00-20.00 €
Diabetic foot care
25.00-33.00 €
Foot care for seniors (from 70 years old)
30.00-39.00 €
Visu kāju nagu ārstnieciskā apstrāde
27.00-35.00 €
Foot treatment (without nail treatment)
19.00-33.00 €
Treatment of one corn
10.00-16.00 €
Treatment of one nail
7.00-15.00 €
Correction of one nail
14.00-20.00 €
Applying of gel polish
18.00 €
Pedicure and peeling
33.00 €
Additional fee for smear for septic ingrown toenail (per nail)
7.00-13.00 €
Surcharge for processing each subsequent ear of corn
5.00 €
Treatment of multiple warts
16.00-25.00 €
Nail edge treatment
5.00-10.00 €
Treatment of one wart
12.00-16.00 €
Removing gel polish
9.00 €
Additional fee for a thumb orthosis (big toe)
20.00-25.00 €
Additional fee for adding an individual toe orthosis (small)
12.00-25.00 €
Correction of ingrown nails with Uni Brace
55.00 €
Treatment of the individual problem areas of the foot
16.00-35.00 €
Foot scrub up to the knee, paraffin foot bath
20.00 €
Correction of an ingrown toenail with a 3-part ortonyxe clamp
84.00 €
Correction of recurrent ingrown toenails with 3-piece ortonyxe clamp
73.00 €
Ieauguša naga korekcija ar Ortoniksijas skavu
50.00 €
Follow-up after application of the bandage
25.00 €
Re-ligation for the correction of an ingrown toenail
14.00-16.00 €
Nail treatment for fungal infections
14.00-17.00 €
For each subsequent nail treatment in case of fungal infection
7.00 €
Treatment of toenails with fungal infection
35.00 €
Treatment of toenails with onychomycosis
35.00 €
For covering each subsequent nail with a healing gel
6.00 €
Professional nail correction method Ruck Blue Light
39.00 €
Prices for foot diagnosis services
Skin and nail scrapes, smears, cytology (without price of analysis)
8.00 €
Posture, gait and podometric examination (including consultation)
59.00 €
Posture, gait and podometric examination for children (including consultation)
54.00 €
Posture, gait and podometry examination for seniors 70 years and older. (including consultation)
49.00 €
Digital scoliosis
30.00 €
Additional fee for digital scoliosis in addition to other examinations
12.00 €
Shoe disinfection prices
Shoe disinfection (one pair)
5.00 €
Disinfection of each subsequent pair of shoes
4.00 €
Plastic surgery
Prices for consultations with a plastic surgeon
First consultation with a plastic surgeon
40.00 €
Second consultation with a plastic surgeon
32.00 €
Consultation during the plastic surgery procedure
20.00 €
Plastic surgery
Blepharoplasty of the upper eyelid (with rupture disk)
909.00 €
Lower eyelid blepharoplasty (with myoplasty)
1209.00 €
Blepharoplasty of both eyelids
2009.00 €
Facial plastic surgery
3449.00 €
Partial facelift
2982.00 €
Plastic surgery on the ear
1225.00 €
Plastic surgery on one ear
625.00 €
Plastic surgery on the ear for children
675.00 €
Ear Flap Correction
350.00 €
Earlobe surgery
700.00 €
Rhinoplasty with autocartilage (also secondary rhinoplasty)
3233.00 €
Rhinoplasty without bony correction
2492.00 €
Nasal septum correction
1602.00 €
Breast augmentation (mammoplasty)
3302.00-4000.00 €
Single breast augmentation
1800.00-2000.00 €
Breast lift (mastopexy)
3292.00 €
Breast lift and breast augmentation
4192.00-4682.00 €
Breast reduction
3202.00-4682.00 €
Breast implant removal
1700.00 €
Abdominoplasty without navel correction
2202.00-3332.00 €
Abdominoplasty with umbilical correction
3132.00-3732.00 €
Correction of the labia minora
975.00 €
Upper arm operation
1600.00-2600.00 €
Breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, one stage
2900.00-3500.00 €
Breast reconstruction after cancer surgery, two steps
2900.00-3500.00 €
Creation of a breast pea
900.00 €
Surgery after burns
940.00 €
Scar correction
270.00-800.00 €
Excision with plasty
600.00-1300.00 €
3082.00 €
Additional periareolar correction
380.00 €
Gynecomastia - excision
1675.90 €
Ear surgery with fossa conchialis resection
1159.00 €
Chin reshaping with chin implant
2250.00 €
Upper extremity surgery
1500.00-2500.00 €
1700.00-2500.00 €
Curoplasty with liposuction
3000.00 €
Upper blepharoplasty with brow lift
1509.00 €
Additional fee for complicated plastic surgery
100.00-500.00 €
Gynecomastia with free areola transfer
2525.90 €
Liposuction of the outside thighs
990.00 €
Liposuction on inner thighs
990.00 €
Liposuction on the abdomen
900.00-1600.00 €
Liposuction on the sides
900.00-1600.00 €
Liposuction of the buttocks
890.00-1500.00 €
Chin liposuction
950.00-1500.00 €
Liposuction underarm/chest area
890.00-1500.00 €
Liposuction knee
850.00 €
Liposuction with abdominoplasty
800.00-1000.00 €
Liposuction in gynecomastia
750.00-1500.00 €
Liposuction of the upper extremities
1500.00 €
Liposuction bust
890.00-1500.00 €
Removing stitches after plastic surgery
23.00 €
Lipofilling in the facial area
1500.00 €
Lipofilling of the palms
1500.00 €
Lipofilling of the breasts
1950.00 €
Lipofilling of the buttocks
2100.00 €
Lipofilling for scarring (micro)
990.00-1700.00 €
Lipofilling for scarring (macro)
1300.00-1800.00 €
Price list for patient copayment
Patient fee for an outpatient visit to a secondary outpatient care provider
4.00 €
Patient fee for outpatient surgery (manipulation)
4.00 €
Patient fee for x-ray examinations
3.00 €
Prices for Microsurgery
Surgery for chronic hand disease
Procedure for carpal tunnel syndrome, local
400.00 €
Surgery for ganglion of the finger, local
400.00 €
Dorsal ganglion surgery
600.00 €
Consultation with a microsurgeon
First consultation with a microsurgeon
39.00 €
Second microsurgical consultation
33.00 €
Prices for regional outpatient consultations
Skin and nail scrapes, smears, and cytology (not including cost of tests) for regional visits
10.00 €
Cryosurgery at regional visits
15.00-30.00 €
Punch or shave biopsy at regional visits
50.00 €
Curettage 1 formation (depending on localization and size)
15.00-30.00 €
Remote consultations
Remote consultation with a dermatologist
40.00 €
Remote consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist
45.00 €
Prices of laser hair removal services
Prices of laser hair removal procedures
Laser hair removal for the upper lip
25.00 €
Laser hair removal cheeks
40.00 €
Laser hair removal for the neck
40.00 €
Laser hair removal for the chin
40.00 €
Laser hair removal armpits
70.00 €
Laser hair removal nipples
30.00 €
Laser hair removal for the abdomen
45.00 €
Laser hair removal forearms
90.00 €
Laser hair removal hand (full length)
120.00 €
Laser hair removal upper arms
75.00 €
Laser hair removal for men's chest
130.00-200.00 €
Laser hair removal for the back
130.00-200.00 €
Laser hair removal for sitting
55.00 €
Laser hair removal for bikini area
70.00 €
Laser hair removal for the lower legs
125.00-160.00 €
Laser hair removal for the thighs
125.00-160.00 €
Laser hair removal for the entire length of the legs
220.00-300.00 €
1 pulse of laser hair removal
6.00 €
Lāzerepilācija bez medicīniskām indikācijām
0.00 €
Laser hair removal for bikini area - full bikini
90.00-120.00 €
Laser hair removal for lower legs and armpits
210.00 €
Laser hair removal for lower legs and full bikini
245.00 €
Laser hair removal for full bikini, armpits and upper lip
200.00 €
Laser hair removal for full length, full bikini and armpits
345.00 €
Laser hair removal for hands and feet along the entire length, upper lip
395.00 €
Laser hair removal for full length, full bikini, armpits and upper lip
450.00 €
Laser hair removal for backs, bikinis and armpits for men
335.00 €
Laser hair removal for the back and chest
320.00 €