What is cosmetology?
Facial skin requires special attention. It needs to be cherished and pampered - moisturised, nourished and protected, taking into account the seasons and the weather.
Cosmetologists care for the beauty, youth and aesthetic reduction of facial and body skin. Cosmetology is about improving the condition of the skin, and taking preventive care of the skin to keep it looking healthy and youthful for as long as possible. Often, cosmetology is part of a dermatological treatment plan to enhance and reinforce the therapeutic effect and to care for the skin after intensive procedures. Cosmetology is also part of a body aesthetic plan.
The Dermatology Clinic offers individually tailored cosmetology procedures to improve problematic skin conditions, reduce the signs of ageing, eliminate various cosmetic defects (scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, etc.), as well as daily care procedures for a cleansed and radiant complexion.
The Dermatology Clinic offers the most modern and effective devices, methods and professional care products to achieve fast, long-lasting and natural-looking treatments.
What is a cosmetologist?
A cosmetologist is a medical practitioner who carries out skin assessments and a wide range of treatments to improve the condition of the skin. A cosmetologist performs both routine skin care and beauty treatments, as well as taking care of problematic skin (especially important in adolescence).
The cosmetologist also performs aesthetic injections, including - botox and filler injections. At the Dermatology Clinic, cosmetologists carry out facial procedures, shoulder and back treatments, and neck and décolleté treatments to rejuvenate the skin.
The cosmetologist, assessing the individual needs, wishes and possibilities of the client, determines the necessary procedures and combinations, combines the most suitable preparations, and recommends other specialist consultations (dermatologist, nutritionist, etc.).
This approach ensures a visible and long-lasting effect using gentle methods.
When should I see a cosmetologist?
- preventively and regularly to maintain good skin condition, purify and care for the skin;
- for effective cleansing and skin renewal;
- in case of problematic skin (acne and post-acne, changes in skin texture, very oily or dry skin, enlarged pores);
- at the first signs of photo-ageing or biological ageing (wrinkles, expression lines, facial oval changes, pigmentation, loss of skin firmness, etc.);
- after intensive dermatological procedures (laser skin resurfacing, deep peels, etc.)
- in adolescence to rebalance the skin.
Cosmetologist consultation
Before starting cosmetic procedures, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist who will recommend the most appropriate skin care strategy.
During the consultation, the cosmetologist assesses the client's skin condition, takes into account the advice of other specialists (if any) and the client's wishes. The client's daily routine, habits and state of health are also taken into account, and limitations on treatments are discussed to determine which treatments will be most suitable.
Aesthetic cosmetology treatments usually take the form of courses. The cosmetologist determines the length of the course and the frequency of treatments, and adjusts them over time if necessary.
The following cosmetologist and beauty services are available at the
Dermatology Clinic provides:
- aesthetic injections (botox injections, fillers, plasma injections, biorevitalisation, mesotherapy);
- facial and body treatments;
- cosmetic procedures;
- hair removal
- eyelash and eyebrow correction and colouring.
Please note! Cosmetologists are allowed to perform all types of aesthetic injections, while beauticians and beauty therapists are only allowed to perform mesotherapy and biorevitalisation.
Prices for dermatology services
Dermatologist services
Application of medicinal or diagnostic substances
12.00 €
Urological or gynecological examination (including the price of a disposable mirror)
18.00 €
Izmeklēšana Wood’ a gaismā
12.00 €
Cryodestruction (for one formation) depending on location and size
15.00-80.00 €
Elektrokoagulācija (vienam veidojumam, bez anestēzijas cenas) atkarībā no lokalizācijas un izmēra
30.00-60.00 €
Ādas un nagu nokasījumu, uztriepju noņemš., analīzes noņemšana citoloģiskai izmeklēšanai (neieskaitot analīžu cenu)
15.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests (bloks sastāv no 30 kontaktalergēniem)
65.00 €
Optiskā dermatoskopija (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo optisko dermatoskopiju
12.00 €
Digitālā dermatoskopiju (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo digitālo dermatoskopiju
12.00 €
Kondilomu likvidācija ar CO2 lāzeru (1 rajons)
50.00-200.00 €
Hemangiomas likvidācija ar ND:Yag lāzeri (1 impulss)
45.00-260.00 €
Removal of blood tests (price includes vacuum cleaners, processing, storage of test report data)
8.00 €
Kenaloga injekcija rētu likvidēšanai (2 un vairāk injekcijas)
39.00-50.00 €
Asinsvadu jaunveidojumu likvidācija ar Diodes lāzeru (1 seanss)
50.00-250.00 €
Sistēma i/v dienas stacionārā
27.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests uz kosmētiku (bloks sastāv no 31-56 kontaktalergēniem)
75.00 €
Rokas naga apstrāde mikotiskās infekcijas gadījumā
15.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
75.00-350.00 €
Kārpas apstrāde ar lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Seanss aknes un citu iekaisīgu ādas saslimšanu terapijai ar ACNE CLEAR XL Alma
85.00 €
Pigmentu un asinsvadu veidojumu apstrāde ar ELOS SRA (1 seanss)
70.00-250.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar krāsvielu lāzeru uz sejas
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar krāsvielu Lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Sejas dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Acne izsitumu ārstēšana ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Dermatoloģiska izmeklēšana uz STS slimībām
7.00-45.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija, pēciekaisuma pigmentācija) ar GentleLase lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Cryodestruction for each subsequent formation
4.00 €
Par katru nākamo rokas naga apstrādi mikotiskās infekcijas
6.00 €
Par katru nākamo ārstniecisko vai diagnostisko vielu aplikācija
4.00 €
Kenalog injection to remove scars (1 injection)
35.00 €
Mapping multiple skin formations with FotoFinder for the whole body
75.00 €
Digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
20.00 €
27.00 €
50.00 €
For each subsequent digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
10.00 €
Injekcija ar kenalogu
20.00-50.00 €
17.00-25.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar KTP un ND:YAG (Derma V) lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Gaismas terapija ar Celluma iekārtu (pretnovecošanās, aknes ārstēšana, matu augšanas stimulācija, brūču dzīšana)
30.00-150.00 €
Sejas fotorejuvenācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
150.00-300.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru uz sejas, tajā skaitā, deguna
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa (dekoltē) dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (poikoloderma, melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Onihomikozes ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss), cena atkarīga no nagu skaita
35.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu (hemangiomu)likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Aknes un rozācijas izsitumu ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Ādas virspusēja atjaunošana ar Fotona Er:YAG lāzeri smooth režīmā
150.00-300.00 €
Fotodinamiskā terapija (bez medikamenta cenas)
100.00-200.00 €
First consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
75.00 €
Second consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
65.00 €
Primary consultation of a dermatologist
64.00 €
Repeated consultation of a dermatologist
54.00 €
Consultation of a dermatologist in the event of manipulations
25.00 €
Preventīvās medicīnas speciālista J.Janovskas pirmreizēja konsultācija, piemērotākā testa izvēle, DNS parauga paņemšana, sūtīšana uz laboratoriju
350.00 €
Preventīvās medicīnas speciālista J.Janovskas atkārtotā konsultācija
290.00 €
Council of doctors (at least two and more doctors)
80.00-150.00 €
First consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
75.00 €
Second consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
65.00 €
Preoperative preparation of the patient
18.00 €
Extended consultation of a dermatologist (1h)
105.00 €
Primary consultation with dermatologist J. Janovska
75.00 €
Dermatologist consultation and diagnosis of neoplasms with an optical dermatoscope
81.00 €
Patient preparation for invasive/non-invasive procedures
18.00 €