A dermatologist is a doctor who specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, nails, mucous membranes, hair and sexually transmitted diseases. The full name of this field is dermatovenerology and the specialist is a dermatovenerologist.
Aesthetic dermatology is the largest sub-field of dermatology. A dermatologist working in this field reduces and reverses the various signs of skin ageing, improves the visual appearance of the skin after illness and injury, and corrects aesthetic skin defects. The branch of dermatology that specialises in hair and scalp diseases is trichology and the specialist is trichologist.
Dermatologists also cooperates with other specialists (endocrinologists, allergists, infectologists, neurologists, etc.), as visual skin defects can often be symptoms of other conditions.
When should I see a dermatologist?
You should see a dermatologist if you notice the following warning signs:
- sudden onset of skin redness, rashes, peeling or other defects;
- itchy skin (this can be a symptom of a serious illness);
- moles and other skin formations have started to change size, colour and shape;
- nails on your hands or feet have changed shape and colour (possible fungal infection);
- atypical genital discharge after sexual intercourse, unpleasant sensations.
How does a dermatology consultation take place?
During the first visit, the dermatologist listens to the patient's complaints, performs a visual examination of the problem area, uses optical dermatoscopy if necessary, and obtains the patient's medical history. If necessary, the dermatologist may ask the patient to undress in order to assess the condition of the whole skin.
No special preparation is needed before visiting a dermatologist or having a dermatological examination, but if the problem is with the nails, you should go to the doctor with the nail varnish removed, and it is not advisable to visit a manicurist/pedicurist or podiatrist before your appointment - this makes it more difficult to assess the condition.
For an accurate diagnosis, your dermatologist may prescribe and perform additional tests.
Dermatological examinations:
- optical dermatoscopy and digital dermatoscopy (Mole-Max, Fotofinder);
- skin biopsy;
- contact allergen test;
- microscopy and smears for fungal and bacterial infections;
- Wood (fluorescent) lamp;
- specific IgE antibodies in the blood.
After the necessary examinations, the dermatologist draws up and adjusts the treatment plan. The range of solutions for dermatological problems is wide and depends on the specific problem - from various ointments, medications and lifestyle changes to modern skin treatments and injections. Thanks to modern technology, preventive measures such as the creation of a skin neoplasm map help to anticipate or detect the disease in time, which facilitates treatment.
Dermatological procedures and manipulations:
- creating a skin map with FotoFinder;
- removal of skin formations;
- laser surgery;
- surgery;
- aesthetic dermatology procedures (laser therapy, aesthetic injections, apparatus procedures to restore and improve the condition of the facial skin, deep peeling, laser resurfacing etc.).
Prices for dermatology services
Dermatologist services
Application of medicinal or diagnostic substances
12.00 €
Urological or gynecological examination (including the price of a disposable mirror)
18.00 €
Izmeklēšana Wood’ a gaismā
12.00 €
Cryodestruction (for one formation) depending on location and size
15.00-80.00 €
Elektrokoagulācija (vienam veidojumam, bez anestēzijas cenas) atkarībā no lokalizācijas un izmēra
30.00-60.00 €
Ādas un nagu nokasījumu, uztriepju noņemš., analīzes noņemšana citoloģiskai izmeklēšanai (neieskaitot analīžu cenu)
15.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests (bloks sastāv no 30 kontaktalergēniem)
65.00 €
Optiskā dermatoskopija (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo optisko dermatoskopiju
12.00 €
Digitālā dermatoskopiju (1 veidojums)
19.00 €
Par katru nākamo digitālo dermatoskopiju
12.00 €
Kondilomu likvidācija ar CO2 lāzeru (1 rajons)
50.00-200.00 €
Hemangiomas likvidācija ar ND:Yag lāzeri (1 impulss)
45.00-260.00 €
Removal of blood tests (price includes vacuum cleaners, processing, storage of test report data)
8.00 €
Kenaloga injekcija rētu likvidēšanai (2 un vairāk injekcijas)
39.00-50.00 €
Asinsvadu jaunveidojumu likvidācija ar Diodes lāzeru (1 seanss)
50.00-250.00 €
Sistēma i/v dienas stacionārā
27.00 €
Ādas kontaktalergēnu tests uz kosmētiku (bloks sastāv no 31-56 kontaktalergēniem)
75.00 €
Rokas naga apstrāde mikotiskās infekcijas gadījumā
15.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
75.00-350.00 €
Kārpas apstrāde ar lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Seanss aknes un citu iekaisīgu ādas saslimšanu terapijai ar ACNE CLEAR XL Alma
85.00 €
Pigmentu un asinsvadu veidojumu apstrāde ar ELOS SRA (1 seanss)
70.00-250.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar krāsvielu lāzeru uz sejas
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar krāsvielu Lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Sejas dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Acne izsitumu ārstēšana ar krāsvielu lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar krāsvielu lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Dermatoloģiska izmeklēšana uz STS slimībām
7.00-45.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija, pēciekaisuma pigmentācija) ar GentleLase lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Cryodestruction for each subsequent formation
4.00 €
Par katru nākamo rokas naga apstrādi mikotiskās infekcijas
6.00 €
Par katru nākamo ārstniecisko vai diagnostisko vielu aplikācija
4.00 €
Kenalog injection to remove scars (1 injection)
35.00 €
Mapping multiple skin formations with FotoFinder for the whole body
75.00 €
Digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
20.00 €
27.00 €
50.00 €
For each subsequent digital dermatoscopy with FotoFinder or Mole max (1 formation)
10.00 €
Injekcija ar kenalogu
20.00-50.00 €
17.00-25.00 €
Hemangiomu likvidācija ar KTP un ND:YAG (Derma V) lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Gaismas terapija ar Celluma iekārtu (pretnovecošanās, aknes ārstēšana, matu augšanas stimulācija, brūču dzīšana)
30.00-150.00 €
Sejas fotorejuvenācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
150.00-300.00 €
Telangiektāziju slēgšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru uz sejas, tajā skaitā, deguna
70.00-300.00 €
Sīko kāju vēnu telangiektāziju apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss)
70.00-400.00 €
Sejas vai ķermeņa (dekoltē) dispigmentācijas ārstēšana (poikoloderma, melasma, fotobojājums, saules radīta dispigmentācija) ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-500.00 €
Rētu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
75.00-300.00 €
Portvīna plankumu (iedzimtu hemangiomu) likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-400.00 €
Kārpu apstrāde ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-150.00 €
Onihomikozes ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeru (1 seanss), cena atkarīga no nagu skaita
35.00-150.00 €
Asinsvadu veidojumu (hemangiomu)likvidācija ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri (1 seanss)
70.00-300.00 €
Aknes un rozācijas izsitumu ārstēšana ar Lutronic DermaV lāzeri
70.00-300.00 €
Ādas virspusēja atjaunošana ar Fotona Er:YAG lāzeri smooth režīmā
150.00-300.00 €
Fotodinamiskā terapija (bez medikamenta cenas)
100.00-200.00 €
First consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
75.00 €
Second consultation with a highly qualified dermatologist (department manager, methodologist, associate professor, etc.)
65.00 €
Primary consultation of a dermatologist
64.00 €
Repeated consultation of a dermatologist
54.00 €
Consultation of a dermatologist in the event of manipulations
25.00 €
Preventīvās medicīnas speciālista J.Janovskas pirmreizēja konsultācija, piemērotākā testa izvēle, DNS parauga paņemšana, sūtīšana uz laboratoriju
350.00 €
Preventīvās medicīnas speciālista J.Janovskas atkārtotā konsultācija
290.00 €
Council of doctors (at least two and more doctors)
80.00-150.00 €
First consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
75.00 €
Second consultation with a dermatologist-allergologist
65.00 €
Preoperative preparation of the patient
18.00 €
Extended consultation of a dermatologist (1h)
105.00 €
Primary consultation with dermatologist J. Janovska
75.00 €
Dermatologist consultation and diagnosis of neoplasms with an optical dermatoscope
81.00 €
Patient preparation for invasive/non-invasive procedures
18.00 €